الجمعة، 31 مايو 2013


ComboFix is a program that scans your computer for known malware, and when found, I will try to clean these infections automatically. In addition to that there may be the most common, to remove a large amount of malware present, also ComboFix, and reports that aid is trained to remove malware that is not automatically removed by the program can be used are displayed.
As long as you have not even been asked specifically Assistant, please do not run ComboFix. In addition, we recommend that you do not try to act on any of the information displayed by ComboFix without supervision from someone strongly in the power of this tool has been trained properly. If you do so, it may lead to problems with the normal function of your computer.

Version :

Size :
 4.83 MB

System :
XP, Vista, 
7, 8 (32-bit & 64-bit )

program Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014

http://www.program-4.com/Kaspersky 2014 is a powerful program gives you a large area rest assured on your computer and surfing comfortably and easily without fear of viruses and Trjoin It examines any file or site also works self-examination is always to your program Kaspersky indispensable definition with the free version you are at the top of the safety indispensable inAny device for full protection

Version :

Size :
 219.40 MB

System :
 XP, Vista, 
7, 8 (32-bit & 64-bit )


الأربعاء، 29 مايو 2013


Paltalk program definition
Program Paltalk lets you chat program Paltalk to see and hear the chat with anyone anywhere, share files and photos, this free program, a program Chat and video chat, photo or Create an video conferencing video, Paltalk is a chat gives you great features, in this program, does not require that you have a camera to see the video images of others, in addition to that you can share files and messages with any person who is on the program, program Paltalk Paltalk deals with chat systems and other communication such as AOL, Yahoo, MSN and many more features Paltalk 2013
Thousands of video channels
Welcome to the largest community online video chat room. Explore thousands of video chat rooms and meet millions of members and 


File size:
Operating system:
Windows XP/2003/
Vista/Server 2008/7/8

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